Space Occupancy relates to the effective use of the rental office space or real estate. As rental fees continue to rise, the need to understand the utilization of rental space is becoming more important. An occupancy solution utilizes sensors at each desk and room to collect valuable data and information, which can help management make assertive real estate decisions.

Our Solutions

Space Occupancy

Space Occupancy System
Space occupancy system is used to measure the effective use of an office space via desks and rooms. The sensor can collect data to signify whether a desk or room is occupied. The information collected allows management to better understand the utilization rate of the office space and make corrective measures to save cost.

Desk & Room Sensors

Space Occupancy System
Occupancy sensors are available in 2 main types namely Desk & Room. Desk sensors are installed at each desk and measures the occupancy of that particular desk. Room sensors are wall or ceiling mounted in meeting or conference room and measures both occupancy and the number of occupants as well.

Analytic Dashboard

Mobile & Web Portal Access
All data collected by the sensors are uploaded and stored to the cloud. The data will be retrieved for analytics and summarized in a Web-based Portal for users to access. Valuable analytical data and information can be made available.

Big Data & Reporting

Big Data & Reporting System
Data is being continuously collected by each sensor and uploaded into the cloud. Over time, big data is gathered and can be used to analyze and support company initiatives. Regular reporting of these data is also useful in tracking trends and irregularities.

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